Reachable again on Monday from 03:00
phone number: 033 - 47 00 000
Selecteer uw vestiging:AmersfoortBeverwijk


Do you have a question? You can ask it in the chat at the bottom right of the screen. The chat is open from Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 20:00 and on Friday from 08:00 to 17:00. 

Frequently asked questions

Many questions have been asked before. We have gathered these frequently asked questions to enable you to find the answer on our website yourself. The frequently asked questions can be found here. 

The frequently asked questions can be found here

Send e-mail

You will receive a response as soon as possible.

For whom are you filling out the contact form?

Please note: If you complete this form for your partner, make sure to enter his or her date of birth. If this date of birth does not correspond to the date of birth in our system, we will be unable to process your application.
Please note: If the date of birth of your client does not correspond to the date of birth in our system, we will be unable to process your application.
Please note: If you complete this form for your partner, make sure to enter his or her date of birth. If this date of birth does not correspond to the date of birth in our system, we will be unable to process your application.
    Momenteel is er een technische storing en werkt het contact formulier niet naar behoren. U kunt alsnog contact zoeken via telefoonnummer 033 – 47 00 000 of start een chat rechtsonder op deze pagina.The entered file number cannot be found, please check the entered file number.
    If you are certain that you have entered the correct file number, please contact 033 - 47 00 000 or start a chat at the bottom right of this page so that we can assist you further.
    Het ingegeven dossiernummer is gesloten en er kan dan ook geen betaling voor gedaan worden.

    Contact details per location

    Send business email

    Split cases


    Individual cases:

    Telefoon: 0251 - 21 12 22

    Direct contact

    We can be reached by phone from Monday to Thursday from 08:00 to 20:00 and on Friday from 08:00 to 17:00.  

    Bel 033 - 47 00 000

    Address for correspondence 

    You can send your mail to
    Postbus 806
    3800 AV Amersfoort

    Visiting address

    Databankweg 26-30
    3821 AL Amersfoort

    Our offices are open from Monday to Friday between 08:30 and 17:30.

    Other information

    KvK 31028222
    BTW nr. NL804181901.B.01
    IBAN NL07 RABO 0162 4462 17